Education and labor market concepts: national reality and international experience

The purpose of the research is to analyze the criteria that employers pay attention to when hiring young specialists in Azerbaijan, as well as the relationship between educational concepts and employment, identify practical solutions to ensure the employment of graduates.

The methodology of the research - the study used methods of observation, oral and questionnaire survey, analysis and comparison.

The practical importance of the research - the proposed institutional and other mechanisms to increase employment in the labor market can be used by educational institutions, employers and public employment services.

The results of the research - the analysis of the studied issues shows that the regulation of the problem of employment of graduates in many cases is associated with the concepts of education. New mechanisms are needed to increase the employment of graduates.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research - the proposed mechanisms related to the organization of employment management for graduates are new for our country.

Keywords: graduate, young specialist, employer, labor market, education, employment.





№1 - 2022


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