Guidelines for authors

1. Submitted papers can be in Azerbaijani, English, Russian.

2. A full research paper should have following components:

-  Full information about author (s) - name(s) of the author(s)/title, workplace and position, the address(es), ORCID numbers, e-mail address (right corner);

-  Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) (left corner);

-  Title of the article (the title should not exceed 12 words) (center);

-  Abstract (100-200 words);

-  Keywords - 6-8 items;

-  Text of the article;

-  References (10-15 sources);

- Abstracts and keywords in other two languages (for example, if the article is in Russian, abstracts and keywords in Azerbaijani and English are necessary (with the information about the author and the name of the article in these languages), so is respectively for articles in English and Azerbaijani).

Abstracts must consist of the purpose of the research,the methodology of the research, the practical importance of the research, the results of the research, the originality and scientific novelty of the research.

3. The structure of the text must consist of Introduction, the main text (subheadings can be used) and Conclusion. The content of Introduction is determined by the author. If there are subtitles in the text, their headings are given in the center in bold. The main results of the research are summarized in Conclusion.

4. Text design requirements. 

-  the manuscript should be  9-13 pages;  

- font size – 14, type – Times New Roman;

-  margins-right – 2,5  cm, left – 2,5  cm, upper - 3,5 cm, under – 3 cm;

-  indent – 1;

- tables, diagrams, pictures, graphs and schemes should be colorful and high quality. Tables, pictures, graphs, schemes should be given in the text by typing the names and sequence numbers. The table  and diagrams names and row numbers should appear at the top, the names and the number of the pictures, graphs and schemes should be written below. 

5. Authors can submit their articles by registration on the official website of the journal, fulling in the “Authors Questionnaire”. Authors arefully responsible for uniqueness of the article and for it has not been published previously in other publishing houses or submitted for publication in other publishing houses. The payment determined for publishing is carried out either in cash or by transfer.

NOTE: For authors who are Ph.D. students the written peer-review of the academic adviser  is mandatory! 

6. References.

When compiling a list of references, preference should be given to sources of the last 5-10 years. Sources must be arranged alphabetically in the list of references. The list of used literature should be compiled in accordance with paragraphs 10.2-10.4.6 of the section "Making a List of Literature" of the current "Rules for Compiling Dissertations", approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. A reference to the bibliographic source in the body of the article is given in square [9, p. 27-28]or round (12, p.135)  brackets indicating the ordinal number of the source from the references and page number referenced by the author.

The used sources must be sequentially numbered in alphabetical order in the languages of publication (first, the sources in Azerbaijani, then in Turkish, Russian, English, French, Arabic, etc.). The list must be compiled in the following order: legal acts,  literature in alphabetical order, internet sources. 

Submitted articles will be subject to double-blind peer review process:

  •  the reviewer does not know the personal information of the author / authors;

  •  the author / authors do not know the personal data of the reviewer.

The period of review is 1-2 moths from receipt of the manuscript by reviewer. If additional time for review is necessary, this period may be extended at the request of the reviewer.

Only original (the results (or any part of submitted manuscript) used in the manuscript have not been sent for publication to any other journal nor have already been published) submissions are accepted for publication. All submissions are scanned for plagiarism and when plagiarism is detected the article is rejected for publication.

7. Publishing fee is 60 manat.