Conflict of interests policy

Data disclosed in unpublished submissions should not be used in any research by the editor, reviewers or any other knowledgeable person without the written consent of the authors.

The privileged information or arguments obtained as a result of the review should be kept confidential and should not be used for personal gain or the benefit of a third party.

The editor and any member of the editorial board should relieve themselves of the obligation to review manuscripts in the event of any conflicts of interest arising from joint, competitive or other relations or relations with any of the authors, companies / institutions related to the manuscripts.

The editor should require all participants to disclose relevant conflicting interests. If competing interests are identified after the publication of the material, corrections should be published. A disclaimer or expression of concern may be published if necessary.

The main and most preferred way to resolve disputes between the editors, authors and third parties in the process of consideration and preparation of materials for publication, as well as regarding already published articles, are direct contacts. So, in the case of complaints or pretentions, it is necessary to inform the editor-in-chief of the journal in writing to the journal’s e-mail or by mail to the editorial office address indicated on the journal’s official website.