State policy directions in the development of entrepreneurship activities

The purpose of the research - is to examine the state policies and programs that support the entrepreneurial activity of countries around the world and Azerbaijan in connection with entrepreneurial activity, which plays an important role in economic development in countries that have chosen a market economy model.

The methodology of the research - the research has been based on research methods such as research, analysis and evaluation of government policies and programs to support entrepreneurship.

The practical importance of the research - If we take into account the world experience, we can see that entrepreneurship is gaining more and more place in development strategies. This is due to the important role of entrepreneurship in the development of the country's economy.

For the development of entrepreneurship, the world experience must be taken into account, and public policies and programs must be properly and effectively developed and implemented.

The results of the research - Positive work has been done in the state policy implemented in connection with the development of entrepreneurship. In order to increase the effectiveness of the steps taken, support measures related to entrepreneurship should be increased and there should be strong state control over the development of this area.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research is that the study examines the experience of countries around the world in entrepreneurship and highlights some ideas that can contribute to the development of entrepreneurship, which is one of the priorities of state policy in Azerbaijan.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, politics, programs, innovation.




№4 - 2020


Tağıyev Vüqar Qəhrəman oğlu