The purpose of the research – to develop recommendations in accordance with the goals of sustainable development of tourism from the standpoint of a new reality.

The methodology of the research – comparative and system analysis, static method, empirical proof, logical generalization method.

The practical importance of the research – the conclusions and recommendations proposed in the article can be used by companies, firms and entrepreneurs engaged in tourism with the aim of effective sustainable development of tourism. In addition, it is important to include the developed recommendations in the training programs for the training and advanced training of specialized personnel.

The results of the research – the proposal was concretized and scientifically substantiated that the concept of sustainable tourism development, in addition to economic, social and environmental components, should be supplemented with an information and communication component as one of the significant characteristic features of the global digitalization of modern society.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research – is that the Index of Sustainable Tourism Development is presented as one of its important indicators, focused on assessing the current global environmental and social problems, attention was mentioned to innovative methods of ensuring sustainability. The growing role of social networks as the most modern information solutions for the promotion of distance and tourism products, as well as the formation of the interests and desires of tourists, has been scientifically substantiated.

Keywords: tourism, sustainable development, digitalization, information and communication support, infrastructure, economic revival, components.




№2 - 2023


Anar Ali Azizov