Assessment of the current state of women's business activity in economic processes in the Republic of Azerbaijan

The purpose of the research - the main objective of the study is to study the relationship between women's education, their employment and the number of children, as well as to find key solutions for achieving economic activity of women.

The methodology of the research - in the course of the research, a survey method was used. In Azerbaijan, a survey was conducted in 2021 among married people to study the factors influencing the population's decision to have children. 398 people took part in the survey. Of these, 298 are women and 100 are men. The survey was conducted online through the Survey Monkey platform. The analysis was carried out using the spss software package.

The practical importance of the research - identifying ways to ensure socio-economic development plays an important role in formulating a country's development strategy. Development is a large-scale process that leads to radical changes such as reducing inequality, preventing poverty and increasing employment. When determining the role of demographic factors in ensuring socio-economic development, it is important to determine the relationship between a woman's decision to give birth and her socio-economic activities. Therefore, the research plays an vital role in conducting further investigation about interrelation between demographic factors and economics of a country.

The results of the research - a study using the Xi-square test found a link between demographic factors and the active participation of women in society. The state should take a number of measures to improve the well-being of the population, raise the standard of living, ensure development without discrimination, and increase the economic activity of married women in order to maintain work-life balance of women.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research - although the issue of increasing the economic activity of women is always in the center of attention and is important, determining the statistical significance of the influence of demographic factors on economic activity is an indicator of originality of research.

Keywords: woman, education, employment, fertility, chi-square test.





№4 - 2021


Sabina Abdulla Jumazade