Ways to increase the economic efficiency of individual entrepreneurship in the petrochemical industry

The purpose of the research - is to develop scientifically sound theoretical and practical recommendations for the efficient usage of available resources in order to increase the production capacity of the chemical industry, increase the share of this sector in the country's economy. The main purpose of choosing the topic is to analyze and study the current state and development of individual entrepreneurship in the chemical industry in Azerbaijan, to study its economic efficiency, to develop a set of scientifically based proposals to stimulate entities, in short, to increase efficiency.

The methodology of the research - is the distinctive features of individual entrepreneurship from other types of entrepreneurship, the analysis of the current situation of individual entrepreneurship entities operating in the chemical industry in our country, the assessment of their perspective opportunities..

The practical importance of the research - the materials mentioned in the research can be used to assess the current state of individual entrepreneurship in the chemical industry in our country, to improve the mechanisms for attracting individual entrepreneurship in this area.

The results of the research - the information on the involvement of individual entrepreneurs in the chemical industry, the organization of their activities, the improvement of regulatory activities carried out by the state can be considered as information of a recommendatory nature that may lead to an increase in quantitative indicators of individual entrepreneurship.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research - when we look through the analysis of imports and exports of the chemical industry in our country, we see the import of products produced in this industrial sector is three times more than the export of the country. This article contains recommended information on improving the mechanism of financing individual entrepreneurship, benefiting from international experience in the regulatory policy of the state and simplifying the tax system, reducing the tax burden. In this regard, the information presented in the article is important both in terms of promotion and stimulation of activity.

Keywords: individual entrepreneurship, chemical industry, stimulation, state regula-tion, development, import, export.





№1 - 2021


Xankişiyev Fərid Xanbaba oğlu