Directions of improvement of mechanisms for management of ecological-economic problems in the oil sector of Azerbaijan

The purpose of the research is to improve the mechanisms of management of ecological-economic problems in the oil sector of Azerbaijan. Problems of ecological-economic system, their essence and peculiarities are disclosed for this purpose. Issues of improvement of mechanisms of management of ecological-economic problems in the oil sector are considered. Attention to the role and impact of the ecological-economic factor on sustainable development of the country is drawn. Problems of ecological and atmospheric pollution in oil production processes and ways of solving these problems are investigated then. The importance of expanding the use of waste-free technologies in oil enterprises is justified. New approaches to improve the management of ecological and economic activities in the oil industry during the growing ecological problems in the world are identified.

The methodology of the research is a systematic and comparative analysis, definition of methodological approaches and methods in the areas of improvement of mechanisms of management of ecological-economic problems in the oil sphere of Azerbaijan, as well as opinions and thoughts of different researchers of this sphere.

The practical importance of the research: the results and material of the study can be used in the preparation of the necessary measures, the development of the necessary mechanisms to solve the existing problems and the strategies of activity in the areas of improvement of the mechanisms of management of ecological-economic problems in the oil sector of Azerbaijan.

The results of the research - more improved approaches, relevant recommendations and proposals taking into account the requirements of the modern period are developed on the mechanisms of management of ecological-economic problems in the oil sector of Azerbaijan.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research: new approaches and forms of modern views on topical problems of effective organization of the ecological-economic system and solution of existing problems of management of mechanisms of ecological processes are defined in the work. The objective need to improve the mechanisms of management of the ecological-economic problem in the oil sector is justified. Assessment and strategic values of ecological-economic factor in oil production processes are provided. Attention to the importance of effective organization of problem management and identification of ways of solving ecological-economic system at oil sector enterprises is drawn. The strategic importance of creating workable mechanisms of ecological-economic system management is justified. Scientific economically reasoned proposals on ways to improve the mechanisms for managing ecological-economic problems in the long term, taking into account the leading role of the oil sector in the economy of Azerbaijan are prepared in the end of the article.

Keywords: problems of ecological-economic system, oil sphere, ecological-economic system, mechanisms of management of ecological-economic problems, modern aspects of ecological-economic problems, efficiency of management mechanisms, direction of resolution of management mechanisms.




№4 - 2019


Babayev Ata Manaf oğlu