Main issues of investment and financial security of strategic innovative activity in Azerbaijan

The purpose of the research consists of main issues of investment and financial security of strategic innovative activity in Azerbaijan. Problems of the organization of strategic innovative activity are opened for this purpose. Importance of problems of investment and financial security of financial activity is improved then. Justification of importance of development of financial sources for ensuring processes of development, distribution and application of innovations is given. Problems of increase in appeal of the internal and foreign investment environment for the purpose of active attraction of investments to the sphere of strategic innovative activity in Azerbaijan are described. Strategic importance of creation of reliable financial sources in the organization of innovative activity of the enterprises is improved. 

The methodology of the research consists of the system and comparative analysis, methodological approaches and main issues of investment and financial security of strategic innovative activity in Azerbaijan taking into account the existing problems in this sphere.

The  practical importance of the research - results and material of a research can be used in the solution of main issues of investment financial and security of strategic innovative activity in Azerbaijan, and also in preparation of strategies and appropriate state programs.

The results of the research  consist of development of more effective mechanisms of activities for improvement of investment and financial security of strategic innovative activity in the conditions of growth of global influences, preparation of the corresponding recommendations, offers on definition of more productive investment channels and financial sources.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research: within the basic researches provided by structure of article the essence and features of the existing problems in ensuring durability of the operating investment and financial mechanisms in strategic innovative activity in Azerbaijan is disclosed. Basic elements and components of mechanisms of activity of investment financial security of the innovative sphere taking into account global influence are defined. The essence of questions on elimination of barriers to the solution of problems of investment and financial security and strengthening of innovative activity in Azerbaijan is disclosed. Relevant views and solutions of problems of investment and financial security of innovative activity are improved. Important elements of the strategy in the sphere of ensuring reliability of the investment and financial channels promoting the effective organization of development and application of innovations are given in the end of the article.

Keywords: strategic innovation activity, investment and financial security, strategic aspects of innovation activity, problems of development of innovation market, state innovation policy, problems of innovation and investment attractiveness, main issues of innovation and investment security.




№4 - 2019


Mahmudova Lalə Fəqail qızı