The formulatıon of Azerbaıjan's natıonal development module and the partıcıpatıon ın ınternatıonal economıc ıntegratıon

The purpose of the research - the article presents the development of international trade relations of Azerbaijan and their integration stages to the world economy, as well as main principles of this integration. Specially, internationally adopted rules, existing mechanisms and models of full-right partnership have been presented in the article.

The methodology of the research - besides, existing level of relations between Azerbaijan and international organizations and various countries and development perspectives of these relations have been analyzed and attention has been drawn to international rating evaluations in this sphere.

The practical importance of the research - today, economic and political strategy of Azerbaijan is directly connected with global economic processes happening in the world. Transition of Azerbaijan to the market economy has enabled it to be recognized in the international stage as a subject and has completely changed economic, political and demographic structure of the society. Main priorities of economy have been defined thanks to existing stable situation in the Republic and appropriate situation has been formed for development of proper financial structure and national economy, as well as involvement of foreign and local capital, final result of which is renovation in the market economy.

The results of the research - the main different feature of the existing system of  international relations is formation and development of close and steady cooperation on the basis of general economic, cultural, civil, political and military interests.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research - within this cooperation, world economy depends on international financial corporation’s from one hand and competition of national economic systems from the other hand.

Keywords: transit, trade, capital, integration, economic mechanisms, financial market.




№3 - 2019


Qəribov Asəf Heydər oğlu