Interaction mechanism of budget-tax and monetary-credit policies

The purpose of the research is to develop effective proposals according to the criteria for the relationship between monetary and fiscal policies.

The methodology of the research - comprehensive analysis, systematic approach, grouping methods were used.

The practical importance of the research - the results obtained can be used to solve theoretical and practical problems related to the application of criteria for the interaction of monetary and fiscal policy.

The results of the research - the main criteria for the coordination of fiscal and monetary policy are proposed.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research - the criteria for the interaction of  monetary and fiscal policy are defined, proposals and recommendations for their implementation are put forward.

 Keywords: fiscal policy, monetary policy, agreement, model, factors, Central Bank, government, coordinations, critery of optimization.





№3 - 2022


Məmmədzadə Murad Teymur oğlu