Strategic importance of systemically significant banks in increase in efficiency of financial and bank mechanisms

The purpose of the research - is strategic importance of systemically significant banks in increase in efficiency of financial and bank mechanisms. The essence and the main components of financial and bank mechanisms are analyzed for this purpose. The role of banks in increase in efficiency of financial and bank mechanisms is opened. Strategic importance of banks in ensuring stability and effective functioning of a financial banking system of the country is improved. Functions of productive activity of financial and bank mechanisms of the banking sector in ensuring balance of macroeconomic and macrofinancial performance are analyzed too. Problems of improvement of financial and bank mechanisms according to requirements of the market of financial services are considered.

The methodology of the research - the system and comparative analysis of definition of methodological approaches and ways of systemically significant banks in increase in efficiency of financial and bank mechanisms taking into account scientific views and works of different researchers, scientists, experts and author's approaches.

The practical importance of the research results and material of a research can be used in increase in efficiency of financial and bank mechanisms systemically of significant banks, and also in preparation of education guidances and textbooks.

The results of the research are defined the basic principles and tasks systemically of significant banks in increase in immunity of national economy in the context of global challenges, recommendations and the relevant proposals on the considered problems are given.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research - scientific works, views and approaches of different researchers, however, in general, in materials of a research the author's ideas and approaches are considered. The role of financial and bank mechanisms in expeditious and effective use of financial resources in processes of diversification of economy is investigated. Importance of increase in efficiency of financial and bank mechanisms due to multiplicative feature systemically of significant banks is improved. Problems of improvement of the existing mechanisms systemically of significant banks according to calls of the market of financial services in the present period are investigated.

Keywords: systemically significant banks, financial and bank mechanisms, market of financial services, functions of systemically significant banks, strategic importance of systemically significant banks, problems of efficiency of financial and bank mechanisms.




№3 - 2019


Əliyev Vahid Ədalət oğlu