Main features of foreign trade policy of small countries with open economy

The purpose of the research - to determine the impact of countries on the processes in the international market, as well as the main features of their participation in these processes, based on the criteria that determine the measurement of countries with open economies.

The methodology of the research - the emergence, formation and development of large and small open economies, as well as methodological approaches to the comparative analysis of open economies and the scientific views of many researchers.

The practical importance of the research - rapid integration of transition countries into the European Union has been observed recently. This integration also provides a wide range of opportunities for transitional Eastern European countries to specialize in international production and diversify trade. For this reason, the study of the experience of European countries with small economies that can join the global economy is an important example for Azerbaijan.

The results of the research - it is proposed to improve the legal framework necessary for the development of foreign economic relations, to diversify the level of openness of the economy and increase the number of participants in foreign trade as a result of compliance with international norms in this area.

The originality and scientific novelty of the research - the research work refers to the scientific works of many researchers. According to them, the periodic renewal of the open economy and the main features of the international division of labor were noted.

Keywords: open economy, import-export, degree of openness, export-oriented, import substitution, macroeconomic stability, liberal trade.





№4 - 2021


Nəbizadə Kamran Rauf oğlu